
Day 684, 15:27 Published in USA Singapore by Lefty from Mulberry St

Feel free to comment if you see anything I missed. Do it for the Noobz!

Ways to raise wellness are by consuming food, being gifted, traveling and healing at a hospital.
Ways to lose wellness are working, training, and traveling and fighting.

Food is consumed by your citizen at 00:00 eRep time each day and can be bought from the marketplace. Your food quality level can change your wellness, having at least Q1 food is a must, having no food will drastically lower your wellness.

Gifts can be bought from the marketplace as well. Being gifted involves either a citizen or an organization sending you a gift/gifts to increase your wellness. You can only be gifted 10 wellness points per day.

Traveling to other regions or countries in eRep can affect your wellness based on ticket quality. A Q1 ticket will lower your wellness while a Q5 ticket will raise it.

After participating in a battle, you have the option to return to the battlefield or to fight again. Each time you fight you lose 10 wellness. If you are fighting from a region with a Q5 hospital, like eFlorida or eCalifornia you can fight 5 times a day. Healing after battle is the best way of recieving experience points and wellness. A hospital can only be used once a day.

Working is how to get money in eRep, jobs are found in the job market. The quality of your job effects your wellness, many higher quality jobs pay more to counter-act the negative effects of having a high quality job. New citizens without houses are best off with a Q1 job until their pay is sufficient enough to allow higher quality food purchase.

Training is how your citizen gains damage points and experience points in eRep.

Wellness effects your productivity and the number of times you can fight. Having a house is a great way to maintain high wellness, and the best way for a new player to buy a house is by saving gold.

Gold is given by Admin for accomplishing certain goals. In a short time that pre-level 16 gold can pile up.