Wellness for the Masses!

Day 146, 13:58 Published in Norway Russia by Manifesto

Apparently this article didn't publish the first time, so here's take two.

The Soviet Union is growing comrades. Each day more people immigrate to our motherland; more comrades to join the bulwark of the Russian workers and more soldiers enlist in our revolutionary Red Army. With each passing day through the will of the masses and the leadership of our revolutionary socialist party, Russia is transforming from a small nation to a strong and prosperous workers Union. However with this growth come inevitable grownig pains.

Wellness for all Russians is needed for a more productive work force and a stronger army: more goods can be produced for cheaper, and our comrades will be able to engage our imperialist enemies for much longer. The Soviet Economic Planning Commission and the Government of the Soviet Union is announcing our Universal Wellness Campaign. Our goal is to increase the wellness of all Russians to approximately 85% by purchasing gifts from State Industries and distributing them to Russian citizens.

This may sound expensive, however no money will actually be spent. All money spent on gifts from the State Industries will go back to the public treasury. The profits created would be recycled back to the country... which nearly translates to free gifts for everyone. A few days ago, the Soviet Government created the Russian National Bank and Treasury, which will help facilitate these transactions.

We wish to give these gifts to all Russians, however we will be limiting these gifts to those who are most active and actually want increased wellness. Therefore, in order to receive your gifts, please register by either sending President Manifesto a PM or commenting on this article your desire to receive gifts. An open account of all transactions and recipients will be visible on our forums under "Political Bureau". Because companies can only create so many gifts a day, increasing the wellness of all Russians will take a long time. However we feel that increasing as many peoples' wellness as possible is a good step in ensuring our advancement as a socialist workers state.

Workers of the World, Unite!
Press Director