Wellcome our ex-banned Congressmen! (he's back, and he will stay this time)

Day 1,565, 01:24 Published in New Zealand USA by t o r i 0 1

From my title you know who i am talking about!


Ok we expected this. But i wonder, why he is back here? Why he is not gone in to USA (they have bonus) or any other country?
Citizen of eNZ allready know him, he will never-ever do anything here, simple he will not be allowed.

Here is a few things that worry me.
let me show you print screen of his account from 20minutes ago.
He have 5 friends, one of them is our CP and I do not believe that he has something with this guy.
let me give you page first.

Let's begin,
Alex071 is one of his friends who donate him a lot, for gold.
DOBRSbanovani - You know him much better then i do, i will not comment him.
pospana - obvious from serbia, now live in norway, don't know.
Rafe69 - this guy is worry me, he is member of Australian Congress.
You all know him much better then I do.

The guy who was in Congress, and banned because he was doing everything what he does (hate to write again about it, if you don't know please find one week old article.

Let's analyze this situation.

I just wondering why he left here, why he didn't go on any other place? and he has balls to have similar name (on serbian) same avatar.
I am just glad to catch him how, when he have 5 friends, and we can see who is really behind him: Australian Congress? American guy, or one of two our (buy that i mean serbs) guys.

here is link to his page.

and we need to talk what we need to do with him, we are all know what he tried to do, god's only know what he will do in the future.

this is link to his profile.

I am writing this just to decide once for all what we will do? to write tickets or to let him be?
