Well Would You Look At That

Day 827, 09:52 Published in USA USA by Angelini

It would appear that I have dedicated a year of my life to this worthy cause known as Erepublik!!

Not exactly the gift I was expecting

Party at my place!! Totally warranted, amirite?!

Seriously?! I had no idea!!

Alright I lied, no party at my place. Instead we shall enjoy the firework show being held in my honor (they really are, I asked and the guy in charge said so) and reminisce about the awesomeness that has been my first year in Erepublik. One day (or, as soon as I finally get around to typing it up - Dodgercatcher, I fully blame you for this!! You promised to keep me from procrastinating!!), I will gift you all with an autobiography. But until than, my presence is my gift to you!

Purdy Fireworks!

My scribe after my 8th attempt at dictating my autobiography

On a mildly serious note, thank you to everyone who has made my first year memorable. The one thing this game has achieved despite the bugs is the social networking that I have had the pleasure of experiencing. Keep it real everyone, peace and love!