Well We Did It!

Day 713, 12:53 Published in Estonia United Kingdom by Mickale

Congratulations to all those involved in the decision-making behind backing Latvia! Honestly, brilliant job! Really!

For starters, we lost our Capital region (And only high-grain region) for about a day. The 2nd highest paying job is at 3.45 or something of the nature. (At skill level 6) It is utterly absurd that we destroyed our own economy from the foundation just ot help Latvians in their stereotype-fueled war against the Finns. Honestly, this kind of action, by the government of Estonia, to make this kind of thing happen should not ever be allowed again for it is the epitome of Nation Self-Destruction.

Dear (all Gods)!! As such a small nation we need to have stronger allies and stop being walked over by Latvia! I got an alert the other day that there were no skill 0 jobs in Estonia AT ALL. That's how bad it is!

I can say with my full heart that it is this week I am disgraced to be a citizen of Estonia. I once thought it was a land of niceties and friendly people, however it is clear the government does not know what is best for their own people.

All law proposals (Aside from the alliance) have been shot down drastically. I will admit, some were foolish, but others would have made change for the better.

But what is my conclusion?

Simple: The Estonian Congress is run by an elitist group of people FOR that elitist group of people.

Any change-proposal that might possibly have a positive affect on the major population is shunned upon and we might as well be back into the Soviet Union all over again with lack of competence galore. It is sad.

Now, don't misinterpret what I am saying please. I am friends with many people of congress, the noble and good-willed ones. This is not an assault on ALL politicians (Every sword has its edge) but the stupidity with which was acted upon in the decision to aid Latvia is so tremendous I cannot physically express any further level of dismay that I am actually feeling.

Apart from that, have a good day to all of you, let's see how DOE turns out....

(Death of Estonia)