Well that was fun!

Day 1,291, 09:00 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Yes folks it is that time once again!

Another month, another Presidential election. Slightly disappointed neither Gullpartiet or Binary Party put any candidates up. The two biggest parties and not a single candidate between you? Shame.

But anyway up for election are Mazarino and Ada419. Maz is a newcomer to Norway, but has experience. Ada is a youngster, but fresh blood is always good.

Ok, well enough of that.... Back to me! I have spent a month looking after this small but happy country.

Best moment?

Watching everyone come together and give it their all when Jamtland & Harjedalen revolted. That really made me proud!

Greatest achievement?

Probably getting that pesky budget in place. Some people may not have liked the tax raises but it means Norway can now actually pay for things.

Anything else I should have done?

Well I possibly took my eye off the army reformation ball this week. Should have got more done on that. Sorry everyone! Hopefully the new government can pick up where I left off.

Worst moment?

It probably still hasn't happened yet. Things can change very quickly! The NE proposal against China caused a minor panic. The loss of Smoeller was another blow. Admin not giving a monkey's about the economy (again) - that's just annoying.

So yeah, I've had fun being Norway's president. I would have done it again this month but I'm off on holiday. I will round up The Iceland campaign after the weekend - so keep those damage scores coming in!