Well It's a slow news day :P

Day 791, 03:12 Published in Australia Australia by Astintus

Hello eGirls and eGuys

How are we all doing out there?......."timberweeds blow pass with the wailing wind"

...rrriiigghhhtt that's a slow day 🙂

Ok update on the general day to day business of Astintus

1. Still running for Senate (Cheers Yay!.....yep sorry about that)

2. Join a wiki cult (Praise be to Timeoinism ....or else you get shunned 😛 )

3. Working towards leveling up to level 17 (27xp off)

So that's a slow news day in the land of Astintus

I promise the next issue will be better have no fear.

Thank You and Goodnight

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.