Well fought, Hungary!

Day 891, 07:14 Published in Hungary Argentina by Nico Irenfrea

Well since wars are a matter of gentleman I must congratulate the soldiers from the other side of the line. Hungarians shown a huge bravery dealing more than 1 millon damage in the past Hello Kitty battle.

However, something I cannot understand is why Hungary has received so little support from their Phoenix allies.

As shown in the battle statics even USA dealt more damage than other Phoenix countries as Serbia, Brazil, Germany, UK, Turkey and others.

Top defenders of Hello Kitty.

So this is how many Phoenix countries pay Hungary's efforts for help and the such? Leaving Hungary alone when they needed it, with about 1 hour left of battle and no other major battles being fought? Well, I would think about it.

Again, well fought and see you soon on the battlefield!