Welcoming the new party presidents

Day 1,092, 10:54 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by kotekzot.org

Good evening, Pakistan. Today the results of party president elections were announced. They are, in my opinion, quite encouraging.

Stone Ocean have elected Captain Briggs as their president. Hopefully his honest outlook and dangerously vast love for his fellow man will help us in resolving the disputes that have been accumulating over the last month. Briggs has received 50% of total votes, however only slightly over 40% of the party's members have voted.

Hurriyat, previously "Uni-Sol Political Center", previously Pakistan League, a party created by Policy after Pakistan had returned to the map many months ago and promptly PTO'd by har103, has returned to its creator. A total of 15 votes has been cast in the elections, 60% of them for Policy. Slightly over 50% of the party's members were present. A notorious Ukrainian PTOer, Vegera, was running against Policy, however, he failed to bring a significant amount of votes for himself. Here's what the party's brand new description:

"Hurriyat" (literally "Freedom") is a Kashmiri party aiming to bridge the gap between the Kashmiri communities and work with the communities of India and Pakistan in common goals.

The Rising Pakistan party has elected Shahrose Khan, Pakistan's own narutard, with over 70% of the votes. No significant opposition presented itself there, explaining the low presence - just under 27%, a record low these elections.

Enlightened Union Pakistan was this month's PTO target, with Sycron receiving 37 votes against din Qasim's 33. Presence has reached almost 270%, explaining the low rates in other parties. din Qasim's party had an entity description written in pig russian (also known as ukrainian), possibly explaining the lack of votes for Vegera. COULD'VE FOOLED ME (just kidding, it didn't, thanks for the 4 gold you gave to our parties though).

Overall I'm quite happy with the way these elections turned out, as we now have control of all the parties in Pakistan.