Welcoming Committee Business: Do You Have A Welcome or Wellness Program?

Day 404, 23:54 Published in USA USA by PrincessMedyPi

Greetings my fellow eRepublikans!

I am writing you today as part of a fact finding mission. The welcoming committee is researching current welcome and wellness programs in the eUSA. Do you know of one? If so, write about it here! Let me know what the group is that oversees it and who the director(s) is(are) that I should get in contact with for further information.

We are going to use all of the information we gather to help assess need and develop the welcoming committee. Right now, it is a bare bones skeleton, so we have the power to mold it into what we want!

Welcoming Committee Director

Want to help with the welcoming committee? Visit the forums and join us: http://erepublikusa.com/forums/index.php?topic=1072