Welcome to Ukraine!

Day 46, 00:00 Published in Romania Romania by ua_bogdan

This is the first patriotic newspaper in the whole Ukraine.

Our main target is to fight for Ukraine, and make it strong!

Since we don't have so many inhabitants there is a major risk that we'll be attacked soon. Therefore there is no space for egoism. Only TOGETHER we can make a strong nation. Today we're a poor country in Erepublik.

Last time I checked it was:
Denmark 580 (economy) 56 (society)
Ukraine 74 (economy) 55 (society).
Almost as many inhabitants (society), but our economy is really bad.

We have to work TOGETHER, and build up this country, so we can defend it.

СЛА&#1 042;А УКР&#1 040;ЇНІ!!! !