Welcome to the Quagmire

Day 656, 18:24 Published in Japan North Korea by Dubster

Last month Japan did something admirable in the eWorld by releasing South Korea, the nation it had been the protective custodian to for 3 months so that its citizens might have another try at independence.

The South Korean government in waiting did a most honourable thing and suggested the first parliament be 5 North Koreans and 5 South Koreans. A branch of peace and solidarity to their recently homeless Korean brothers in Japan.

What happened next should be frowned on by any decent citizen with morals, yet sadly for the eWorld it happens all too often. A hostile takeover by the recently homeless Theocrats. At the ballot box they efficiently voted securing a 6/4 majority by just 1 vote. The Theocrats were unable to impeach the standing president and South Korea was able to surrender itself once again to Japan though not before its treasury’s yen was looted.

Apparently undeterred by their failure the Theocrats carefully timed the next resistance war to coincide with the presidential elections catching the recently repatriated Koreans off guard. Korean attendance at the ballot box was dismal and the Theocrats easily secured the presidency.

Japan now finds itself in a war with a formidable opponent, with its first attack 3 more resistance wars sprang up. Yet surprisingly the Theocrats sued for peace on Saturday. Like the Trojan horse beware an enemy offering gifts, they know what a Quagmire this will be and how much it will cost them. By suing for peace they would buy the time they need to consolidate their victory by installing hospitals and industry, cementing their position in the region.

Theocrats funds are not limitless and the whole time the future of South Korea is uncertain, investment in the region is a dangerous gamble. Japan needs to be in this for the long haul lest they want an aggressive bully for a neighbour. As the Theocrats release further regions from Japanese control they make more seats available in the congressional elections. They will be vulnerable at ballot box if enough Japanese and Koreans will accept South Korean citizenship.

The only people that should be in the Korean war zone should be our loyal congressmen holed up in the embassy and working for minimum wage. Companies in affected regions should not line the theocrats pockets, every taxed KRW aids their cause. If picket lines are broken and companies still operate they should be named and shamed. When leaving Korea don’t even buy a moving ticket, ask a Japanese friend for one.

By stubborn attrition we will bleed the Theocratic monster dry at the 38th parallel and make them wish they never invested blood, sweat and tears on this fools errand.

Dubster the entrenched Korean Congressman