Welcome to the Gründer Voxcaster! - 20/06/09, Day 578 of the New World

Day 578, 21:25 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

A Warm Gründer Welcome!

Welcome, before I begin to delve into the first ever edition of the Voxcaster, I would to introduce myself. I'm Garven Dreis, a member of the ACP and ACAR, and the aim of this newspaper is to provide the citizens of eAustralia with interesting, clear and informative articles on military and political matter, from home and abroad. I welcome all citizens to PM me with articles or stories they feel should be included in the Voxcaster, free of charge.

The Gründer Voxcaster is an eAustralian newspaper, and any scathing comments should be directed towards the Editor, or the bin, whichever is appropriate.

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eAustralian News

Politicians Scramble for Votes

For almost a week, countless politicians have been busy preparing and releasing presentations in a hope to persuade eAustralia to vote them into congress. While many eCitizens will find it troublesome to trawl through the mountain of political propaganda, I advise that, in order to voice your opinion strongly, you should vote for the politician who supports your view the most. However, bets are open to which political parties will benefit in the wake of the coming election. Arthur Cole, Dropbear, strongly believes that the Australian Democratic Socialist Party will see an increase in congressional numbers next month, although this is more than likely speculation. The political debate in eAustralia continues.

Wargames are active

The wargames are on again, although the current battle is going to conclude in the next few hours. The MoD has commented that the Wargames Agreement will have to be renewed sometime in the near future.

Tax Proposals Rejected in Senate

Changes to the tax on weapons and food were rejected by the senate today by a vote of 7-21 for weapons, and 4-23 for the food. The tax changes proposed for weapons was an increasing of the VAT from 5% to 8%. The proposed tax changes for food was a VAT decrease of 4%, bring the VAT on food down to 1%. The tax changes, which were proposed by Australian Warlord, have been scorned for not following correct senate procedure.

Australian Warlord, a controversial senator, had previously had his senatorial status taken away, and access to the forums removed. The editor hopes that this is the last event in the long and arduous AW Saga.

In International Matters

-The President of eIreland has had an impeachment brought against him, for his decision not to inform the congress about the wargame between eUK and eIreland. This wargame, which at first appeared as a genuine war, was later discovered to have been borne out of a wargame agreement, kept secret from the general ePopulation.

-eCanada is in the grips of political turmoil, as terrorist group COBRA attempts to hold the eCanadian government to ransom. COBRA alleges that it posses eCanadian secrets, and if the eCanadian government does not pay them, they will sell the secrets to the highest bidder. The President of eCanada has flatly reject COBRA's demands.

-More political turmoil in the former eSouth Korea, as an unauthorized Resistance War was started by eKorean rebels, opposed to the merger with eJapan. eJapan quickly crushed the rebellion, with citizens from eSouth Korea fighting to defend the district. The eJapanese government has promised to release eSouth Korea "When the time is right"

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That is all for today's Gründer Voxcaster. Hope you enjoyed the first issue ever, and from me, I hope you log on for tomorrow's issue!