Welcome to 3rd Platoon

Day 385, 07:20 Published in USA Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

Welcome to the US military soldier, You've taken the first steps to be a contributing member of society. You are a member of 3rd Platoon of the 2nd Division of the the US National Guard also known as Training Command.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Gates Schellinger and I am your Platoon CO. Over the coming weeks, I will be monitoring your progress, Training you, assisting you and evaluating you. I'm here to ensure that you can cut it as an active member of this military, and can be depended on when the time comes to serve your country in battle.

For those of you that are just starting out in eRep, sometimes it can be difficult to know whats going on, so think of me as your Trainer/Drill instructor. I'm sure you've taken the first steps, and already know the training and work systems, as well as how to purchase food. eRep automatically feeds you whats in your inventory, so as long as you have food in your inventory you'll be set. If you do not know how to purchase food, if you click on the vertical banner on the right hand of all eRep pages, on the How to, that will direct you to the tutorial wiki page, and it will show you how to do the basic tasks, eWiki also contains the history of eRep, the rules, information on how it was started IRL, and data on all the nations and regions. If you still have issues, and questions, you can message me, and I'll assist you further. Communication with me is key and if you have any issues, I won't know unless you tell.

There are five aspects of training, that you must adhere to, the first two are:

Wellness: Wellness is the most difficult aspect of eRep to maintain, basically because you can't do it alone. If you work and train, you lose one Wellness point each activity regardless of how well you do on the quizzes, the more questions you answer incorrectly the higher the penalty there will be to you wellness. Typically from eating you only receive 1 wellness point, especially with the food you can afford when you're just starting out. So you have a net loss daily of 1 point. Get too low on wellness, and you die. As a member of my platoon, I will enlist you in a gifting program, and assign you another member of the platoon to exchange gifts with shortly. If you already have a gifting partner, feel free to continue that relationship, as any benefit to your wellness is a plus, but I would request that you make your in-platoon gifting partner that I assign your priority. You need to be able to maintain a 70 wellness to continue on to the active branches of the military. Once you get to the point where you're making more money and are at a higher level, it will be easier to self-sustain and increase your Wellness, but just starting out, it's impossible to do without help.

Strength: Strength is easy to increase, but it may take a while to do it. You cannot fight in a battle without a rating of 3.00, and you cannot transfer to an active branch unless you have a rating of 4 or more. As your platoon CO, I will require you to train every day, even if you answer no questions correctly while training, you still receive a 0.1 increase in Strength. The higher your strength, the more you're payed, and the more damage you can do in battle (although its not the only factor)

Training Materials/ Information: Each week you'll be receiving a Roll Call message from me, and in it will contain a Link to the NGTC (National Guard Training Command) Newsletter. Colonel Kyle321n's personal newsletter to the troops. In the letter there will contain training material and modules that you are required to read and to fill out the form at the end before you can move on to another branch of the military. This ensures that you understand how to function in the eUS military.

Dependability: Every Monday, you'll receive the Pay Call/Roll Call message from me (as well as your pay), you will need to respond and fill out the questionnaire and respond to me by 1800 Thursday. This is to verify that you are an active member, and it is a tool to keep track of the progress of the units, as well it determines your pay. This is a major requirement, to proceed to an active branch of the military, you must respond to this message at least 4 times in a consecutive 5 week period. If you fail to respond to this message two weeks in a row ,without cause, you will be dishonorably discharged, and excluded from US military service in the future. This is a simple task, and takes mere seconds to complete while having 4 days to do so, but one of the most important ones.

Loyalty: In order to be a member of the eUS Military, you must reside in the eUS. If you decide to move to another country, it will serve your best interest to inform us, otherwise you may be labeled as a defector, and excluded from further eUS military service if you decide to return. It is extremely important that you inform me of your international movements. During training, taking sabbaticals and vactions to see what other eCountries are like is frowned upon.

You must remember that this is a social network as well as a game, and an accurate political simulation. If you want to come on and check your messages, train, and work once a day, and spend 15 minutes max , that's perfectly acceptable and there needs to be those type of people in a society. If you have aspirations to become a Congressman, or a General, you have to get to know people that can help you become those things. There are a few resources that you as a eUS citizen have access to. You get out what you put in.

First is the eUSA forums: http://erepublikusa.com/forums/index.php. There you will find the major players of our eUS society, you can keep track of the current pulse of the political system, find out about individual parties, and more importantly, get tips on how to play; anywhere from quiz taking secrets, trading tips, to how to run a successful company. Also on the opening page of the forum index in the link I just presented you with, is a messages that says IRC info: click here. The click here is an active link that redirects you to the topic that gives you information how to access and join the eUSA IRC chat server. Follow the instructions and you can talk in real time to the president, heads of parties, Generals, and a myriad of other individuals, and is a useful tool for information, how to play, and how to progress. Don't think it's just a discussion about eRep 24/7, in fact most of the time people are talking about anything and socializing. Next is the eRep wiki :http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Main_Page . There you can find the answers to just about any question you have, it has a useful Tutorial for those who are just starting out.

Oh, and fair warning, you'll need to read up on this guy, http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Michael_lewis . You'll be hearing a lot about him.

Please message me back, that you recieved and read this article, so I can assign you a gifting partner.

Lt. Gates Schellinger
3rd Platoon CO, 2nd Division USNG.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the eUS MIlitary and would like to be, Here is the address to the eUSNG homepage: https://docs.google.com/View?docID=df74kvhn_88wppwpbg4&revision=_latest&hgd=1 .