Welcome New Zealand's First Congress!

Day 1,071, 07:12 Published in New Zealand USA by Kyle321n

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Congratulations to all the members of the first ever New Zealand congress! Let's take this opportunity to clear some things up, from my personal perspective, and some warnings to all congressmen.

Okay, coolest looking congressional building? Coolest.

My perspective on the PTO/ATO
Well we're all eKiwis now, regardless of where we came from. We'll all be eKiwi in my mind until you do something to this country that could put it in potential harm. If the Serbian nationals who came to our country want to participate in a congressional process I welcome them. If the American nationals who came to our country want to participate in a congressional process, I welcome them too. I'm sure there will be disagreements, but as long as we keep eNew Zealand's best interest in mind, we can live with the disagreements. But here are some ground rules that will cause me to change my mind on you.

Rule 1 of NZ Congress: Dress silly! 😉

1. If you think donating the NZD or GOLD that will be in our treasury to a foreign based government, militia, or organization, or a personal organization that isn't going to be used for New Zealand government purposes is right, then you are an enemy of the state. That money is New Zealand's and as the Commander of the Defence Force, that money should go to the military or a government program agree upon by congress.

2. If you think impeaching the president for any reason that's "lulzy", or to place someone who will cause New Zealand harm is alright, then you are an enemy of the state. Not much more to say on that subject, presidents are very important and congress should let them do their job.

3. If you think voting down an MPP with a friendly country to NZ, regardless of their allegiance to a major alliance, or voting up an MPP with an enemy country to NZ, regardless of their allegiance to a major alliance, is alright, then you are an enemy of the state. Congress needs to discuss a foreign policy before making decisions on what MPP to keep and what MPP to not have. I think New Zealand should remain out of the major alliances forever and be similar to the real life Switzerland. Others think it should be EDEN or Phoenix or ONE or Shamalamadingdong (worst name for an alliance ever btw). Congress will have the weigh the pros and cons of every one of them and figure out what they want.

A message to both sides of the "PTO/ATO" Operations
So guys we're in congress. If someone breaks one of these rules then we can claim that individual was wrong. Only until the entire group has proven to break these rules, then we can claim the group was a PTO and we should make sure they don't return to congress. Please don't go trying to claim your side was right because of one rouge person. And let's keep it civil.

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Fightin' 'round the World's podcast is back. We air a new episode every Thursday at 19:00 eRepublik. Click here to listen to the latest episode of season 2 and go back and listen to your favorite past episodes. Be sure to listen live, so you can call in and discuss with the panel.

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I highly enjoy Lieutenant Scheisskopf's articles about the battles going on in the world. I think you should read them because they are far better than what mine were. If you disagree then read the comments on his articles.

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Please go subscribe to my friend Sleeve's newspaper. He's a great guy and an amazing writer. He really deserves the Media Mogul!