Weekend - gifts time in eLiverpool...

Day 192, 13:53 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege."
-- John D. Rockefeller Jr.

The weekend is here... I suppose most of citizens going out to have some fun.. and after "party-all-night" some extra wellness will be useful (beer should do also)..

Every eLiverpool citizen in need of extra wellness PM me to get a gift with "Alka-Seltzer"...

For those who are healthy and wealthy or just has "too much coins"..
If you would like to help with gifts giving in eLiverpool, please:

- you can buy gifts and give them out...
- you can exchange gifts with somebody...
- you can donate funds someone and ask to gift you... that's in case of self healing
- or you can donate some funds to my account, which will strictly be used to buy gifts... gifts will only be given to those "in need"...

I thought of opening SO for that purpose, but it's more problems than benefits.. it would take more time (the worst thing)...
All funds donated to my personal account could be registered and I could make the report on monthly basis if that's required (if you suspect villain in me)...

Have a nice weekend 😉
Mayor of eLiverpool