WeAkly Top 10 eBabes: The List, Hot Girls in Evening Gowns?

Day 610, 00:20 Published in USA USA by Joey Jackson

After searching through the ranks of eRepublik, checking out the many fine eBabe candidates, I have finally shortened the list to 10. I really did not have any criteria for the list, if you were a little experienced and involved in the eRep you were considered. Enough talking here is the Top 10 Babes of eRepublik.

10. PrincessMedyPi – USA
- 4-term congresswoman, super soldier, super babe
- If you don’t think she belongs in the top 10, check her out modeling a corset in her newspaper.
- I have a thing for Star Wars Lego Princess Leia

PrincessMedy, editor-in-chief of A Timely Bitch, is one of those girls you love to love. She is informative and insightful and is never afraid to show a little skin. *Probably worthy of a higher spot on the list.

9. Tiacha – USA
- A regular eRep bad-ass, 3-term congresswoman, near 3 time supersoldier, all-time cutie
- Check out her podcast

Tiacha packs an unsuspecting whopping punch. However, you would not expect that judging from her mild mannered podcast. She is never afraid to ask the hard questions.

8. Dania – USA
- Washington Congresswoman
- No non-sense Politics
- Executive Editor of Informed Ideas

Dania is relatively new, but she’s taking the political and military scene by storm.

7. Andah Imoetz – Indonesia
- Yeah, she’s the enemy, but just check out her avatar.
- ‘nuff said

Ok, so she is from a country of eBarbarians, and including her on this list will likely be considered by some an act of treason, but how could you not include anyone so comely. : )

6. Elisa Vorimberg – Germany
- Newspaper: The Vorimberg Chronicles
- 4-term congresswoman, Presidential Candidate, and total babe

Elisa, all-out schnuckelchen.

5. Syarra Hebert – USA
- Name like ColBERT, which is bragable
- Girl next door looks, which is hot

Syarra is somewhat inexperienced, but the WeAkly Top 10 says who cares.

4. Veronika Marshall – USA
- Pretty low key citizen, but big-league babe

Midwestern girl, L.A. looks.

3. Kerat – USA
- Newspaper: AB of Economics
- Economic guru
- bodacious

Kerat is a triple threat: beauty, brains, and uh… beauty.

2. Kara Beth – USA
- Newspaper: Kara’s Korner (check out her paper for frequent contests!)
- Resembles Jennie Garth, only more polished

Karas Korner is a hit because of its’ alluringness and frequent contest give-a-ways. Kara is a hit because, well, have you seen her? We could use her back in the eUS, at least just for the raise in morale.

1. Claire Littleton – USA
- Newspaper: A Little Claire-ification
- One of the most powerful women in the country
- And hot to boot

Claire runs the Libertarian Party by day, thwarts hostile take-overs by night.

Be sure to vote, subscribe and check back for more WeAkly Top 10’s and other b.s. I feel like talking about! Thank you!

Also, vote for me, Joey Jackson, the future indomitable voice of Rhode Island in the up-coming congressional elections.