WeAkly Top 10: 10 eCommandments, Hot Girls in Bikinis as usual

Day 635, 19:51 Published in USA USA by Joey Jackson

WeAkly Top 10: 10 eCommandments

The List of eMoral Imperatives

1. Admins are the lord your god, don’t f*** with them.

2. Thou shall not speak out against Admins, lest you become permabanned.

3. Remember to work every day, even if you have to find a public library or steal internets from your neighbor, even if that means sitting in the bushes in front of his house because you forgot to pay your communications bill this month.

4. Honor whoever invited you to eRepublik and your elder citizens, except Ajay Bruno.

5. Thou shall not troll or flame, lest you become like a herpe to your fellow citizens.

6. Thou shall not fornicate and create multi-accounts.

7. Thou shall not spam the IRC.

8. Thou shall not bear false advertisements of hot babes and not deliver.

9. Thou shall not leave Benn Dover off any Top 10 ePorn name list. Top 10 ePorn Names List

10. Thou shall vote, comment, and subscribe to the Rhode Island Bikini Watch, lest your junk remains flaccid for all eTernity.

What's better than lots of Bikinis?
