WeAkly Give-A-Way: Q3 Weapon, Q3 Gift, Bikini Clad Bond Girl

Day 612, 20:31 Published in USA USA by Joey Jackson

Before I get into the newest feature to the Rhode Island Bikini Watch, I would like to tell you about my Friday.

I was visiting some friends of mine in Minneapolis, who are moving to Virginia next week. We hung all afternoon, went out to dinner, caught a flick, watched stupid Youtube videos until about midnight. And that's when the fun friday day-off begins.

12:05 a.m.: My two friends decide to call it a day, and hit the sack.

12:07 a.m.: I'm bored

12:08 a.m.: I decide to borrow my friends bike and go for a cruise around downtown Minneapolis.

12:17 a.m.: I am pulled over by one of the fine Minneapolis police officers and am about to be cited a $125 tag for not having a bright enough light on my bike.

12:20 a.m.: I am annoyed and inform the police officer that I'm am so elated to see my tax dollars being used for him and his brand new Dodge Charger to chase after bicyclists instead of busting the drug dealers that sell to the youth in my neighborhood.

12:21 a.m.: He begins to write another citation for not wearing a helmet. (I am confused because in Minnesota, you are not required to wear a helmet on a motorcycle, let alone a bicycle?)

12:23 a.m.: He asks for my license and of course I do not have it on me. So, I'm about to be arrested for not having proper identification on my person, and so he can try to identify me at the station.

12:27 a.m.: Before he has a chance to read me my rights the officer gets a call from dispatch, tells me I'm lucky he has an "important call" and proceeds to peel off and run through a red light without his sirens or lights on. He almost t-bones a hummer.

12:40 a.m.: I hail a taxi van for a ride home, because I am not interested in another opportunity of being cited a $125 fine again.

12:59 a.m.: Get back to my friend's place, happy I still have $125.

1:00 a.m.: Return to my state of boredom.

1:05 a.m.: To my joy my, one of my friends can't sleep and we decide to take her scooter to McDonald's drive thru and order some fillet-o-fish sandwiches.

1:25 a.m. - 4:00 a.m.: Drink beer, eat fillet-o-fish, watch Entourage. (The night turns into a win)

4:01 a.m. - 12:00 noon: Sleep

12:01 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.: Wake up, eat, check e-mail, check work voicemail, make some prank calls and play x-box.

This sure beat my plan of re-staining my deck.
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Anyway, I would like to introduce the New Feature for the Rhode Island Bikini Watch.

Every week I will have a 3 part question, and the first person to post a complete correct answer will receive a choice of prizes. This week's prizes are a Quality 3 Weapon and Quality 3 Gift.

The question of the week is: Who is the character of the bikini clad babe featured in this article (picture at top of page, if it doesn't show up reload or click on article title)? What movie is this photo from? How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

The first to answer correctly will receive their choice of Q3 Weapon OR Q3 Gift.

Thanks for playing, voting and subscribing!

Joey J