We Want Peace!

Day 620, 10:37 Published in Hungary Philippines by Nerox

Dear eRepublik users,

As you know there’s a malevolant World War in eRepublik. Walls are destroyed, blood is everywhere, tanks are bombing all over the places, countries are being captivated, mothers of braves are crying, babies are hungry without fathers, wives are widows without husbands...

In this war era, there’s an organization which wishes to end all wars. Yes, you heard it right, there is an organization called Circle of Happiness.

Circle of Happiness organization wishes the end of all wars, extermination of War Module and wishes that all countries can live peacefully without fighting with each other.

If wars do not end within 24 hours and War Module is not removed within 48 hours, all members of Circle of Happiness will quit the game!

If you want to join to our organization, just write signed under this article and we will add your name to our list.

Pictures from our members:

Nerox’s “Be my friend” named picture:

Powersweden’s “We want peace” named picture: