We wan't to hear you!!!

Day 702, 02:21 Published in India India by India United
Dear Citizens of eIndia!
Welcome to the India United family!!!

eIndia is at the threshold of new growth. We have been recently gifted back a region, North India by the Azad Hind Faujis, our population is slowly but steadily growing, under the leadership of our elected 1st time President, kansarasumit, eIndia is enjoying quite stable governance, and most importantly, many new Citizens are coming up and getting involved, making the eIndian community more vibrant & active than ever.

So what do we need to move forward?

We want to Hear you!

We want to hear you, eIndian Citizens, at our forums, our media, our IRC channel.

Our active and experienced Citizens are rearing to train up a fresh slew of talent and potential. One platform to do so, to make yourself heard, is Congress, and we welcome you to stand from the India United platform. To understand what our vision is, rea😛
~ India United Vision Statement [Part II - Section A]
~ India United Vision Statement [Part III - Section B]

What do we work towards, and what do we request of you then?

As stated in a previous article, we want in our congressmen for the coming term:
a) Leaders who have let their actions speak for themselves, who have worked hard enough to successfully take the eIndian community to where it is today, and always keeping the future of eIndia in mind.
In essence, Congressmen who would stay the term, and abide by congress rules.

b) Active, dynamic, relatively newer Citizens, keen on learning the tricks of the trade; on working for the growth of the community; keen on producing fresh ideas & under the guidance of the seniors, having the freedom to implement them.

I request all congress hopefuls to contact me for a details regarding your congress candidature. Please refer to the article, Keeping the Faith, for further reference. All Citizens who wish to be nominated from India United, please note, that it is mandatory that you abide by the guideline of eIndia and India United.

I, maverick10, as the Party President of India United, make it my personal pledge to ensure that those who do make the promises are not faking it for the sake of that extra bit of gold or Experience Points. Its not an easy task, as most of the time all we have to go on are msn/irc chats, and personal messages, but it is us, the leadership of India United who take it upon us, with the utmost dedication, to ensure that only the best candidates are in place, that more and more fresh faces come up, that in essence, we all have our fellow eIndians & their enjoyment, as the center of our efforts.

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The taxes, our neutral stance, our 'policies' are in essence the ways and means of ensuring all that the eIndian community is strong. eIndian community has a structure, a setup that works for us, one that is earning us respect, and doing us good economically, militarily, politically, and in every sense. India United stands by those policies, and tries to ensure only to better them through debate and discussion. All citizens are free to ask us regarding any of those policies, and regarding any aspect of current affairs.

Economic policies: To benefit the eIndian community by monitoring prices of products and keeping them at affordable prices, with the aid of tax proposals, and price-check measures by the Government. Towards that, to train budding economists, by providing them a platform to learn and contribute with their own ideas and opinions.

Military policy: To strengthen the structure of the military, by a clear cut chain of command, effective communication system, and working towards a wage system for Indian Armed Forces personnel. Towards that, to develop Military Strategists and strong army personnel, from within the ranks of the party.

Foreign Affairs: To maintain our neutrality, as well as build up our friendship with nations all over the eWorld. Towards that to train up Citizens to be future Ambassadors, and specialists in Foreign Affairs.

Internal Affairs: To provide welfare to Citizens, by supporting Internal Affairs India. Towards that, we have , and will continue to advertise Internal Affairs, with the aid of party funds (which can only be used for ads). Also, as we have been doing previously, proving tickets to eIndians from personal funds, who are stuck in regions outside Orissa and Maharashtra.

While our promises are simple, I personally believe it is the intent that matters most. Some of our members will be bringing out manifesto's with the intent to present to you, who they are. For all the India United candidates, please refer to this article for your campaign as well. We hope our fellow eIndians support us in our endeavor to make the eIndian community a most exciting place to be.

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Congress Rules
We have certain norms, traditions in eIndia. They are guidelines, worked upon by the founding fathers of our community, and the foundation of it.

For Congress, these are the basic criteria, and more so, the promise of every Candidate of India United of this term & henceforth:
~ To donate 5 gold that we earn from winning Congress Elections to Indian Government Bank ~ it goes towards funding our Government projects, and Training Wars
~ To be active on the eIndian Forum & especially the Congress Section
~ To discuss each proposal, in the forums for 24 - 48 hours before posting in-game, and to vote for all proposals
~ To ensure eIndia's security by granting Citizenship to foreigners, ONLY after they have been cleared by the National Police Force Head
~ Not to indulge in any anti-eIndian activity or take recourse to illegal and/or unethical means to elicit votes, or gain support in any other matter
~ To always keep eIndia's growth and our Citizen's welfare in mind before making proposals
~ To help guide new Citizens in any way we can, by aiding them and the eIndian Government with personnel, resources, and active participation in all decision-making process
~ To stay in Congress till the end of the term, unless its a genuine case of emergency.
~ To ensure we all have fun doing what we do!

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Please contact India United or me, maverick10 personally in case of any queries, or for tickets!

In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power, but carries the ultimate responsibility. ~ Norman Cousins

A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. ~ J. F. Clarke

Your potential awaits you. Take the right action. Join our India United family. Unite with us on this mission. Make a difference.

Lets build a better, stronger eIndia.

Party President
India United Team

For any queries, regarding any matter, contact me in-game/ forum or msn@ palash.mitra@gmail.com

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* Mile Sur Mera Tumhara Toh Sur Bane Hamara
Watch the video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gstRrEmTcBc
The vision of Unity in Diversity is what India United identifies with most. This is our theme, and our motto. It essentially translates as: "When my tune and your tune merge, it becomes our tune".

Let us merge our tunes, our hearts and our actions for the sake of eIndia!

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