We The People have a bright future

Day 4,547, 05:26 Published in USA USA by KingTaco

Hello wonderful people,

In just a few short days we will be having the Presidential elections. An important time, be here or be square and not the good kind of square, the sad kind that makes people depressed. THEN 10 days after that is the party president elections. That there, the party president elections, is what i'd like to talk to you all about on this fine day.

You see, ever since I was a little boy, this game didn't exist. A while after that *poof* day 1 of erepublik and now 4,547 days after that I humbly ask for your votes. Good story, I know but allow me some time to explain why you should vote for me as your next We The People party leader. For one, I am tall. 6'1" to be exact, that should count for something. No? Oh. well, in that case maybe a joke?

Two people walk up to a bar, at the same time they both ask for a beer. The bartender says "What? Speak one at a time I can't understand when you talk together like that" and one of the previously mentioned people informs the bartender that he is indeed sorry and they order their drinks as civilized humans.

Good joke? The best I should think. I'll give you a brief moment to laugh. Go on. Don't be shy, I am sure your laugh is cute/manly/fitting of a fine apache attach helicopter such as yourself.

alright that is enough laughing, you'r embarrassing me.

If elected as party president I promise a few KEY things as listed below haphazardly:

Fair representation of every member. What does this mean? Who knows - it sounds good.

Positive relations with other parties - this one is big for me, I believe to be a strong nation we shall, while keeping with our parties' beliefs and practices, work together as a nation and cut out all this incessant arguing. Some of us are adults (not me, but some).

A fair right to vote - I will be putting together a voting system for our (and other) parties to allow members to share their opinion and strengthen our bond as brother/sister/weird cousin no one talks about. You know who you are.

A chance to get anywhere in this game - money is a very powerful tool, and I happen to have a few dollars.

Contrary to a previous statement, a fully grown adult at the helm. Doing adult things for our party that may or may not help. Adulting is hard (or impossible for those who are yet to be an adult) allow me to do the adulting for you.

I know the elections are a ways away - and there are NO MEMES IN THIS ARTICLE OH SNAP I FORGOT TO PUT SOME IN but I would just like you to think on it. A lot. It should keep you up at night. Every night, in fact come into the party elections delirious and hungry for tacos. to make sure you read this, comment below for 100 food units.

This isn't my normal style of articles, with with recent events I thought some horrible, horrible humor would help soften the blow.

To sign off, I see a lot of articles with attractive women. But nothing for the ladies 😉 so here is a picture of a man in peak performance:

Jealous? You only wish you were that attractive. Call me, ladies.

With much love, awaiting your careful consideration,