We Salute our New Heros

Day 1,076, 19:49 Published in Australia Australia by Savonrepus

All Australia ever talked about over the last 3 months is PTO PTO. This is from the mouths of wingers and big talkers who were never interested in taking any responsibility for the state of the nation. Even worse PMs kicked out by the parliament for mediocre performance refused to accept the will of the democratically elected senate. They pretended to carry on in office in excile? If Gough Whitlam had done the same in 75 the country would have ended up a mess. Sometimes you need to play by the rules of the game rather than try and make them up to suit yourself.

I say we condemn those who refuse to accept the rules established by the people. We need to condemn those who shun democracy. We need to condemn those who fabricated the lie of the PTO just to save their own ego and now we need to praise our leadership who has delivered our country victory against our hated enemies.

Our true democratic leaders have delivered us this magnificent victory. They have sent our Indonesian enemies home in shame. They have proven once and for all today the hollowness of the lies that have been spread about their democratically elected victory. I say we now bow down to our new heros and it is time to say sorry.

All Heil President Abhisek Kumar and his talented offsiders Wonder Forward and buzzlightyear for delivering us this magnificent victory over our Indonesian enemies. They can now be crowned true heros of Eden.

Abhisek Kumar, Wonder Forward and buzzlightyear now true Eden Heros.