We're Not Gerbils You Know...

Day 826, 09:28 Published in South Africa Romania by Lutan Fyah

Congressmen I mean, they’re seriously not gerbils. Human beings like the rest of us, sitting behind some random computer monitor, thinking of ways to improve eS.A, ways to improve their personal power or ways to add another shiny medal to their profile. All human desires, I assure you. In no way related to the behavior of gerbils.

Why then, I ask you, does an eSouth African congressman need a 5 page document about the procedures of congress + a 2 page guide for the said “Congress Reform Bill”. Are congressmen numbskulls? Do you have to actually legislate common sense? Are congressmen such idiots that hey have to submit any and all proposals to an out-of-game forum for approval? If I remember correctly, we have 40 congressmen every month, why should every of the 80 proposals be submitted to another procedure(aside from the in-game one)?

With this in mind, I am announcing my candidature for Congress, under the banner of the Independent Alternative in the jolly state of Limpopo. My goals, should I get elected, will be as follows:

- Lobby for the radical simplification of the Congress Reform Bill
- Start discussions on a project to get congressmen involved in social activities in eS.A(greeting new citizens, discussions of proposals in the media and overall educating the citizens of the eNation)
- Look to improve the current citizenship approval procedure, also by involving congressmen more in the whole process.
- Lobby to either dissolve the Department of Efficiency or place it outside of cabinet responsibilities.
- Needless to say I will use my proposals and citizens approvals sensibly.
- The 5 gold reward for getting the congress seat will, obviously go to the Reserve Bank of eSouth Africa

Disclaimer: This article is in no way meant to offend any gerbils. I love you guys.