We Need to Make a Choice!!

Day 916, 08:57 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson

I appreciate everyone's thoughts on keeping Belgium neutral in the strictest sense of the word, but we must face facts: eRepublik is a game based on, and revolving around, WAR!

As everyone knows, I started my eRep career in the US, during the Scrabman presidency and right before the collapse of ATLANTIS and the invasion of North America. I saw for myself the call for complete neutrality, the "let Europe fight it out amongst themselves" mentality, the internecine squabbling and the thought that the US was impregnable behind it's MPPs and 2-clickers. As a consequence, life got boring, citizens started to die off and the economy tanked. The PEACE GC invasion put that to a stop.

NOTHING invigorates a populace like a good war!

During that war I watched as the internal fighting stopped, people found ways to rebuild an economy that was almost crippled, and the population as a whole began to move as one, especially in matters of foreign affairs and in military campaigns. I saw the population expand, fortunes made, businesses built and the power of a country grow till it became a true world power, almost capable of taking on the other super-powers of the world single-handedly.

This is my vision for Belgium.

I know we have a lot of work to do before we get there. But perhaps taking a small step onto the world arena isn't such a bad thing. We need to build a rapport with our neighbors. On that, we have two choices PHX and ENTENTE. I don't believe we are quite ready to become embroiled in the whole PHX/EDEN thing yet, thus ENTENTE becomes the logical choice.

It is, in all honesty, our ONLY CHOICE.

We need to build our population. We need to exercise our military. We need to grow our economy. We need action!

I ask that our esteemed CP go to ENTENTE and request answers to the questions we have put forth.
I ask the Citizens of Belgium to become involved in the decision making process. Let your Congress Member know what your thought are.
Then I ask all of my Colleagues to search their hearts. Look at what we have accomplished in just the past few months. Think about what we can accomplish in the next several months, if we but take a small step into world affairs.

It is only a step, but I believe it will have a huge impact on our country, our population and our way of life.