We need to increase the allowed time between battles

Day 1,319, 03:51 Published in Croatia Croatia by Razer1990

Currently battles in war campaigns will automatically begin 24 hours after the previous battle was finished or can manually start anytime within that 24 hour window if the President of the country that won the previous battle hits the attack button.

This window needs to be increased to at least 72 hours (3 days) to make this game interesting to play again.

With the 24 hour clock there is not pause in action. No drama. No time to prepare for "big" battles. No time to deploy soldiers properly. No time to to take a breath and soak in the previous day's events. No time to even enjoy victories.

A 72 hour clock would reintroduce strategy to the war module, something it has been lacking for a long time. It will allow countries to pause their own campaigns in order to help out allies. It will allow smaller/weaker countries to push hard for a win then take a few days to adequately put together enough supplies and planning for the next strike. It will add
drama as the defender will not know when an attack is coming. It will make coordination between countries interesting and useful, perhaps even fun and less stressful than the constant planning needed in the 24 hour system.

We need to increase the allowed time between battles.

If you agree, please vote,sub and shout!!


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