We need a State of the Nation ASAP - A Rearden Report

Day 1,032, 12:31 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

My fellow eCanadians,

We have quite the mess on our hands.

We need a clear public picture of what is going on from the new President.

One article that states

1. Whats the official government explanation of what has happened, who was involved. Short, simple and direct preferably with references to key articles on what has happened. Doesn't have to be complete, saying we don't know about some aspects is perfectly acceptable, just have one cogent story being developed on the events of the past few days.

2. Who are in what positions now, and explanation of who Karsten Skeries is and what he stands for because, well I have never heard of him and while I have been out of the loop for a long time. I haven't been THAT out.

3. What orgs the legitimate government has control of and who has access. Nothing inflammatory here, just the facts. Plans to get the rest can come later.

4. What is to be done in regards to those involved, and who is in charge of making that happen. One name of one person who is heading up a detailed investigation with whatever resources they need, an investigation to be published before congress and the country is X weeks.

5. What long-term changes are being dicussed (constitutional reform) to prevent this from happening again. Or at least who is going to be put in chrage of working out a plan to fix things. One name, of one person who will go before congress and eCanada in X weeks with a clear plan, crafted with the help of who ever is willing to give it. Someone like Jacobi who is a sane and a bamf.

We can get through this a stronger, more unified nation. We need nothing but reason, patience and perseverance.

If these things have already been posted some place, please link me and forgive my preachiness.

God Bless eCanada, the True North Strong and Free

Alexander Rearden
eCanadian Patriot
Member of the Order of Canada
Officer of the Order of Military Merit - Pvt. 4th Platoon
Former Financial Hegemon of eCanada (MoF) - November thru April (2008-2009)
Congressmen from Ontario - Nov. (2009)
Forum and IRC Admin - October (200😎 - June (2009)
Congressmen from the Yukon - August, October, November (200😎
Deputy Prime Minister - November (200😎