We need a conversation

Day 506, 12:58 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

Yes I know, this is a back-up or "Continue Talking" article after The Man's article We need a voice! but you know what? I can't be bothered with that as our nation need to stay active.


Why The Man's idea is good?

Well, we can all see that people don't stay active at our National forum or stay active in the Nations affairs in general for a long time, so why not try to get out the politics and the progress of Malaysia out too you guys and too do it by using the media.
By doing that, we can perhaps get the nations more active and make it a better place for everyone, because without discussion it's impossible to lead a nation, and without discussion it's really hard to do anything and to know peoples opinions and thoughts.


Todays topic - A Merge between Singapore and Malaysia?

You know, I like this idea in one way, but hate it in one other.
So let's go over this shortly, How would Malaysia earn something from this action?
Let's make a "Pro and Cons"-list!

Pros - The good things

* We would be stronger.
* We would have a more active nation.
* We would no longer have the problem with our economy.
* In a short term view our relations would improve.
* We don't need to worry so much about an attack from neighboring nations.
* The product would probably be cheaper in the long term.
* We would be a part of the Singaporean military system - no need to construct one on our own.
* One have always a greater chance too be really really rich in a large nation.

Cons - The bad things

* We would lose our independence.
* We might lose citizens in a long term (Malaysians won't join the game)
* It could damage our relations.
* It could develop into a serious problem in the future if Malaysia wants to be free, but is denied.
* If we are attacked and lost, then our enemies would have saved some gold...
* We would have problems in the beginning as we from Malaysia would have no money, and own a worthless one.
* We could be denied our independence and freedom the day which we ask for it.

So well, thats my ideas, now let's see that the rest of you guys think.
Gustavius - Don't forget to join the National forum.