We inform you that...

Day 3,842, 09:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Let's see what this newest alert is about. The message starts with: "We inform you that..."

Who is we? We know. It's Plato the ancient god of the new World.

They (Plato) inform us that some money has been sold. For business men, that's good news. For experienced business men, that news comes regularly. The experienced business men will tweak this news so it always comes within an hour of expiration date. Ha. The godly power of business.

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So the message was about money that somebody bought.
But who is that somebody? Subscribe to this newspaper to find out.

Before we reveal the answer to that question, here is some technical details concerning game mechanics. We hope this advice will come handy in case you're a businessman.

There is 3 discutable points to that message.

1. How can 0.003333 pounds be sold? That obviously couldn't be done in the old World, as there is no such coin one could sell, but in the new World, it can be done. We researched that and it happens it's done by the power of computers.
Do you want to buy 0.003333 GBP? Simply visit the eRep monetary market.

2. Is it really GBP that's been sold? No. The answer is no. It's fiat, not GBP. Bank of England has been long gone.

3. Who bought the money? The final question, for those who question everything. Is it true that the money was bought from a citizen account? Yes that is true. Thank you for reading this research. We wish good luck to all business men.