We Have The Technology

Day 1,262, 16:33 Published in USA USA by johnpauljones

I come to you today with some uplifting news. High Priest Publius has released to me the latest in Anti-Pig Aviation. I give you the Sand Storm.

fuck yeah Dio Brando

Up until now it's existence was only know by a hand select few. Due to on-going operations against the Pig-Disgusting I will not release the specs on this Holy aircraft except to say that it is run on Pure Sand. Gentlemen, with this aircraft we negate the pigs advantage, and retain Air Superiority.

Now I refuse to sit here and blow sunshine up your asses. There will be losses, there will be casualties, there will be snow; however, with the right training, we can bleed blood, breathe air, eat sand, and shit damage. During Beta our kill ratio was 12-1. Recently it dropped down to 3-1 - our pilots became dependent upon rocket-launchers and goldbeasting. They lost some of their skills. We've created a school to teach ACM - "Air Combat Manoeuvring". To put it bluntly, Pig-fighting. The students will be the top one percent of all Dioist aviators. The elite. The best of the best. We will make them better. They will fly at least two combat missions a day, attend classes in between, and evaluations of their performance. On each combat sequence they're gonna meet a different challenge. Every encounter is gonna be much more difficult. We will teach them to fly the Sand Storm right to the edge of the envelope, faster than it's ever flown before. And more dangerous. We won't make policy there, gentlemen, politifags do that. We will be the Sword of Dio, and we will always be at war with the snow-eating Swede and gold-hoarding Spaniard.

Faith, Courage, Honour,

P.S There are some out there that believe the pigs can read this. I assure you they cannot. The Swede cannot read for he is blinded by the sun's glare off his snow. The Spaniard cannot read for he is blinded by the luster off his gold.