We Have a Winner!

Day 929, 13:37 Published in USA USA by John Largo

I had better be careful how I use this Largo Endorsement thingy. Pretty much everyone I endorse, wins. Congratulations President Chocolate McSkittles.

If I am not mistaken, Mr McSkittles is our first Chocolate President, so today is not only a great day for the man, but an historic day for our e-nation!

Now its time to get to work, Mr. President. And the first order of business is to attack the eUK.

I see the cocoa powder flying as you scratch your head at that request. But hear me out. On June 12, the RL US takes on the UK at the World Cup. Wouldn't it be nice to humiliate them both physically and electronically in the same week?

No, Mr Rooney, you may not use your imaginary airplane to win the game

Be like Landon, use a real plane. You can't see it?? Thats cuz we gotz STEALTH!!!