We Have a PTOer, Oh FU

Day 2,643, 15:03 Published in USA Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

First off I'd like to thank George 'Old Man' Custer for starting the greatest party in America today. It has been an honor slowly doing nothing to do anything of help except to do nothing, admit I don't give a f*ck and let the erep world roll by.

Oh but yes, something is missing. This is still the erep world and nobody has threatened to PTO us yet this month. Sadly this makes me feel left out and makes me wonder why I even pay attention since I haven't even bothered to 2-click since October. Hence I guess I must PTO the party, it only makes sense. What else will all the long time useless gov't workers pretend to do to justify their exsistence without such a task. The same presidents rotating on a yearly basis will not be allowed to justify their exsistence without an overwhelming showing of their dedication to protect the country from such natural threats.

Ergo, like a 911 operator I must tell you to stop whining or you are just too hard to understand. Service is being provided and you should be happy. Let the PTO commence.

Get crazy with the Cheez Wiz

and most wickedly I did as I sailed
Kaptain Kidd