We Don't Need No Education

Day 945, 06:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

South Africa,

While we might not need education, there are certainly those among us that do. As some of you might remember, it's a perilous journey getting to know anything about this game. That's why the Ministry of Social Development is having a contest. A contest to create wonderful little snippets of teaching to publish.

The Contest

http://blogs.nyu.edu/blogs/gc69/stdin/contest.gif" />

Choose three of the following topics. Write about them in ways that would help a newb. We aren't looking for page long essays, we don't need those and they won't help newbs. Just a short paragraph is fine.

How working affects your wellness
Game Definitions for term we hear all the time:
~ Resistance War
~ Region Swap
~ RM
Why have an org?
Why have a house?
Why be a mentor?
Why have a mentor?
Why use IRC?
What is congress and what do they do?

Once you've chosen your three topics and written a small bit about each one, PM this Org. All entries will be judged by a panel.


Yeah, of course. There'll be something to reward your hard work. The people with the 2 best set of entries (please note that I said "set", so even if you don't have the best entry for every single subject you chose, you can still win)

We really want to get great material, therfore we will be offering great prizes for the 4 best written entries by our enterants.

The prizes are as follows:

1st place 3g or q1 house. (winner can decide)
2nd place 1g
3rd place : 2x q3 weapons
4th place 3 x q4 food


http://www.deanmillerprints.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/mtvcribsstill.jpg" />

Please remember to get involved and help out, even if you don't think this way is your best option. Remember, there's nothing to be lost from trying! So hop to young writers. We're looking forward to your entries.

MoSD in conjuction with Department of fun and Department of education

PS. The Caption Contest winner will be revealed shortly.