We build our own future

Day 2,293, 11:59 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Dear citizens,

I'm gona speak about someone very exceptional. Someone who I strongly beleive to be the right person to open a new way to Switzerland.

When SFP lost its real goals last month, I decided to leave SFP and look for a party where original values of SFP where respected. Few days ago, Sisk pm me and asked me to come back. Sisk transformed SFP and give it its original goals. He created activity in the medias and bring some fun.

Sisk put gold in creating graphic stuff for the party. This is the first step to an organise nation. He created games, which haven't been used for years!

But who is Sisk exacly? A rl romanian who travelled around the eWorld and met a lot of people. It's always good to have a lot of contact, it saved me several time. It's also good if you use them, by shouting. Shouting is actually the best way to gather fighters for small countries, especialy in resistance wars. I have seen several time Sisk shouting for allies to fight here or there.

When you travel, you also meet several government systems and way to work. Some countries have exceptional systems in place that are unknow here but much more efficient. It is very clear that Switzerland needs a change, a big one, to become again a respected and influent nation.

Today, our nation need to define it's future: apply for an alliance membership and help our allies as much as we can. We need to strenghed our treaties with our best allies: Italy, Croatia and Belgium. But we also need to initiate contact with our new allies: Poland, Spain and the UK. Sisk is enough active on irc to develop our foreign affairs and choose a team which can publish several MoFA updates: it has been showed in other countries or here with my previous article on Macedonia that articles provide an excellent support to foreign affairs.

One thing we nee😛 fun. We had none for ages. Last month, I candidated for CP to setup some game financed with the state money. Sisk published some small games in the few days. With a minister of fun and some governmental funds, there are good things that can be done.

This is why I support Sisk for the next CP elections in Switzerland. These reasons convinced me, for the first time in eSwitzerland, to support a candidate for the presidential elections.

Will we take our destiny into our hands?

For our future,