We Are the Suns Rays

Day 1,073, 10:58 Published in South Korea South Korea by Sirius Padfoot Black

Since very few children know much about the legends of the Sun King, I would like to take a moment to enlighten you with the Sun King’s Life, Death, and Legacy.

Casting light downward, the Sun King looks from high in the sky, shinning over the kingdom. We are the rays cast from his entity, filling the true land of the sun. Korea is brightly illuminated with his sons and daughters who learn from all he has to teach us. Some of us are closely tied to the Sun King, acting as his apostles, acting as his remaining voice, while others have yet to find him.

The Sun King, many suns ago, descended from the sky and he walked among his children. He wanted to live life in his peoples shoes, and where he could directly rule over his kingdom and teach his greatest lessons. He praised and cherished his greatest children, basking them in his glory, and allowed them to help him watch over Korea. These great children showed dedication, curiosity, thought, integrity, a good heart, and a burning spirit in which the sun king was very proud of. This was the brightest time in Korean history, where peace and success was prominent throughout the land, and all the Sun Children were happy.

But not everyone was as illuminated as these bright children, for there was another land, full of moon children. Moon Children could live anywhere, and lived in many different factions, but they all lacked illumination. The Moon Children were jealous of the warmth and beauty of the Kingdom of the sun, and so they wanted to destroy it. But the Sun King and his children were strong, and would resist the moon children’s attacks, keeping them and their infectious Moon Sickness out.

Many of these Moon Children were deceptive, claiming that they were the true Sun Children, and that their island was where the sun truly rose, but the Sun King laughed at their foolish claims.

But on the darkest day in Korea’s history, a very strong Moon Child, who had managed to sneak into the kingdom, attacked the King, hurting him greatly. The Sun King was forced to reduce to a lesser state, where he no longer could sit in his throne. This Moon Child also burnt all of the country records and the Sacred Chronicles to date that the Sun King had scribed. This has been called the the Great Moon Fire. For the first time in history, the sun set on Korea.

The Sun King was still there to guide his children, but he was slowly dieing. He did not have the power to protect his kingdom anymore, and so it was up to his children to rule.

Some of the great children rose to the occasion, proving that they had learned something from their King, but something awful happened. Now that the Sun King no longer could shine over the entire land, Moon Sickness slowly spread to the weaker minded, and a large group of Moon Children grew in Korea. Their power became too great and they began slaughtering Sun Children. Physically killing some, but wounding the hearts of many, Korea became a dark place.

The people of Korea lost hope, and were blinded by the darkness. The Moon Children’s cloak was so strong that the Sun King became very weak. The Moon Children used this opportunity to attack the kingdom. In a bright blaze of glory, the King rallied his troops to stand up and fight against incredible odds, but they were eventually defeated after a valiant effort. The Moon Children infested the kingdom, destroying all of it's beauty. Many of the Sun Children died, not wanting to continue on in this dark land, and others simply ran away, most of which were never seen again.

The King lay in his kingdom for a long time, until what few children he had left, returned, expelling out the Moon Children. Seeing his land was once again in good hands, he rose up, said a final fair well. He told his children “It is time for the sheep to lead the flock themselves” and then went back home, into the sky.

But as he rose above the Earth, he uttered the first prophecy
“The First Prophecy
The Sun King will return one day in another vessel and he will bring with him a Golden Age that will guide South Corea to greatness. Illuminated Unity and Stability will occur in South Corea and all Nations of the eWorld will look upon the holy land of South Corea with envy but unable to harm the land of the Sun King.”

Today, we watch from our planet as he soars overhead, and he watches us back. We are the Sun's rays, walking the earth, guided by his glory. We reside in his kingdom, hoping that someday he will come back, for our true King to lead us. But should that day never come, we must do our best to make him proud, and work together to rule as best as we can, and return all the beauty to Korea. We are the sun’s rays. We are his method of bringing brightness to land he left, it is our duty to make Korea the best place it can be. We must act selflessly and for the greater good of our nation.

That’s what the Solar Temple is designed for. A place for the Sun King’s children to work for a common purpose in the name of progress. Whether if you believe in the Sun King or not, is irrelevant. We stand together, acting for not ourselves, but for our community. If the honest working way of life is for you, we open our arms to you, and welcome your help.

PS. Oh and to those who have not heard, I am happy to announce I am Korea's new Minister of Media. In this position I will manage the Golden Pen Award, promote activity, and help inform the public. I am always happy to serve, and if you have any questions/comments, feel free to message me.