We are no longer PTO , but you are!

Day 886, 05:41 Published in Denmark Denmark by HoeMarx
Sorry for the terrible english of the title, I quoted the eSerb Pered

Why the eDanes have it all wrong
A lot of eDanes are complaining about the eSerb multi-account pTO, and spreading lies about these fine citizens. eNDK is much better then before, when the boring eDanes were in charge. So why are things so much better now?

1) We have awesome YouTube links in almost every comment section
This is fantastic, and one of the coolest things ever. Posting YouTube links is the mark of a truly intelligent person. We all know that there's no reason to post articles in eNDK, because YouTube has all the information we need. It's stupid to use your keyboard and write comments, when there are so many awesome, illegally uploaded music videos on YouTube.

2) The media is much easier to understand
Before the super cool eSerbs started posting articles, all we had was long articles filled with research, boring arguments and insane cartoons. Now the media is right to the point, and everyone can understand it. You don't even have to master english anymore, because the articles are written and spelled, as a special child would. So the eSerbs have made the media more accessible, to people who have not had the privilege of a 6th grade education.

3) The food is much better
In the old days we could only buy cheap food. Now we have healthy, quality food across the board. It's a lie that the 200% increase in food-prices is due to bad taxes, and eSerb multi-account companies. It simply because the food is much better now. The old Q3 food, is the new Q1 food, and we should be thankful of that.

4) We have training wars
Now we can use our previously bought Q5 hospital to heal after fighting. Before we didn't have training wars that often, and the state paid for citizens to fight in foreign wars and raise their Wellness +40 a day. With the new system, and the new training wars, you can gain very important experience points, and come out of fighting with +0 Wellness. So the wars are totally worth it.

5) We finally have a strong government
Now the citizens no longer have to concern themselves with the affairs of the state. The citizens don't have to worry about making the wrong decisions in politics, reading a lot of articles and doing their own research, because the eSerb multi-account majority does it all for us.

6) Learning new languages
Before eDK was pTO'ed many of us didn't know anything about the Serbian language. But luckily, we now have a lot of comments, and snappy punch-lines in articles, written in Serbian. This brings along two very important and good things. First we get introduced to this wonderful new language. We all know that Serbian is the new Spanish and English, and that it's spoken around the world. Secondly, come on, we all have to much time on our hands. So what better way to kill time, than to copy/paste with the completely awesome Google Translate. This tool is amazing, and if it gives you some weird translation, it's because YOU are using it wrong.

7) Censorship
The eDanes no longer have to worry about having an entertaining and inquisitive media, filled with strongly offensive material. The eSerbs are protecting all of us, for our own sake. If an article, comment or shout, is not praising or nice, it will get pulled. This is perhaps one of the best things that the eSerbs have done for us. In the old days people could write and draw anything they wanted, simply for the sake of entertainment. But we all know that a free media, and freedom of expression, leads to conflict and mistrust. If people are free to write anything they want, someone might gain perspective on a situation, and become disillusioned or even get a cheap laugh.

So for these seven reasons, stop trying to pTO the occupation. Embrace our new friends, with a smile on your lips, and an eRock to their multi-account faces.

Best regards,
HoeMarx, signing off.