We are living the "golden age"

Day 1,298, 10:02 Published in USA Romania by vasioooo

We will start this news with a emotional moment dedicated to our wise ruler

Live long Companion Plato
The people and entire country song and praise you
We live decades of great accomplishment
We live decades of work and boom
We live decades of dreams and beauty
We live decades of wise word
We dream decades, lived in dignity
We dream decades of road to communism
We dream decades of sovereignty
We dream decades of heroism and proud
Victorious times of glories and longing
We will follow all, your calling

Now we start our story .
We wore pore ,but Companion Plato give us lands and we become farmers.
But pore farmers ,the big landowners and kulaks, enemies of the working class subjugate us for decades .

In our foolishness and in our poor thinking we believed that we are happy.

But Companion Plato known better what is good for us and start the class fight against the bad landowners.

First we don't manage to understand well what he want ....

Many wore dissatisfied by this reforms said foolish things ,something about the lost of a thing named work skill ho needed decades of work an patience to gain .

What is that companions?
You want to stop the fight class for such a insignificant thing.

Nonsense companions ,take a soy candy and let us fix the problems.

The fight was hard but Companion Plato in his unbounded intelligence manage to achieve victory and the bad landowners wore smash .

We win companions!!!

New great eras of multilateral development and prosperity are coming on us.
Companion Plato give us more food

,give us strange tools like iron horses

,all work as equals and no kulak foolish things like work skills remain

Production rise with 1000% and we register billions tons of grain per hectare

that we don't manage to store it

Life is good in Peoples eRepublik

We look future with confidence and we look forward to achieve the magnificent plans of socialist society.

A good day companions