We are gathered here today...

Day 488, 14:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John F Baker

... to witness the binding of three mens (???) spirits in holy matrimony. Bob Boblo, Rastari and Taytaz have unofficially decided to forget their differences and admit the love for each other. Although nothing is planned as yet, I, Jan Baykara, will be acting Priest over the ceremony. shyguy1001 will be all three's best man, Scipio The Great will be the maid of honour, and Listhp Tomptos will be the ring bearer.

The ceremony will begin in Bob Boblo's house, where they will say their oaths, and then proceed to the privacy of the PCP sub-forum to sign the official papers and seal the deal. After this, they will return to Bob Boblo's house for a reception for aproximately 48hrs, before flying off for a honeymoon to spam the General Forums.

Although an expensive affair, involving more than 3 tons of astroturf, a 200G biscuit and fig roll delivery and performance by Meghan and her skilled porn actors and actresses, Shadow has kindly volunteered to fund the event, on behalf of the Atlantis treasury. Thankyou!!!

Do not expect any dates in the immediate future, and note that the itinerary may be adjusted, but be sure to be there. EVERYONE IS INVITED

John F. Baker, acting Priest of the PCP.