We're all Living in Amerika

Day 1,263, 21:37 Published in USA USA by Glove


First I would like to congratulate you all for voting correctly and re-erecting Emerick. Ist wunderbar. You had me terrified America, but I knew you would pull through and wouldn’t disappoint me in the end. The fact is, whenever Emerick is elected, something crazy always happens, or at the very least he trolls non-stop, or we start winning everywhere, so that’s always fun to experience.

Anyways, another month, another day, but something a little different? Yes. We are re-instating America. America does not have an MoFA or any ministers. Stop thinking that we’re talking about the Director of Ambassadorial Affairs when we’re talking about the Secretary of State. This is Murika. There’s been a few changes in Emerick’s cabinet, namely appointing me as Secretary of State. What does this mean, you ask? Well to make it easy for you to understand, Glove = MoFa x9001 and then some.

I just want to say, It is an honor to serve you once more, America.

This last month I’ve been lurking and killing pig-disgusting lovers in my free time or helping our bros, but that wasn’t enough for me. So this new role is a nice change.

I’ve been looking at how the department is doing and I see mixed results. I’d like to quote a colleague “...But I looked at some of the other regions and my eyes began bleeding with high levels of inactivity shooting out of the screen.” Indeed, there is a large and thick gap that needs to be filled. I’ve also noticed that many of you aren’t signed up to be an ambassador, and I ask, why not? Now is probably the perfect time to do so. There are now a lot of open positions in just about every region of the world minus Oceania. To put it bluntly, we need more ambassadors. Help me, help you.

Sign up to be an ambassador. This is an opportunity to get involved in the government, right now it may be ambassador, but later you will be trusted to take on even more difficult roles if you perform well. Also I’ll probably give you free stuff if you do quality work.

All I ask is you give it a try. There is nothing worse than not trying. I myself have been an ambassador before, in a few different countries, and it helped me understand a bit how other countries function as well as making me some friends abroad.

Also, I’d like to thank the Regional Heads who have decided to stay and continue their good work, as that will make this transition easier and ensure we achieve top gun results.

I am looking forward to another good month. Thanks in advance to everyone who becomes an ambassador. Once again the sign-up form is here.

We are re-instating America and we will succeed. Also say hi to these BAD guys. More to come soon.


Secretary of State
Glove is Love