Wasting Time

Day 1,275, 13:50 Published in USA USA by Glove


It's been a while. Lend me your ears.

As you may or may not be aware, South Afrika and Brazil signed a treaty recently, in an attempt to improve relations and close a war what is basically a damage drain. We've been wasting time for too long. For you young folk, this is important because it means the United States and South Afrika can now restore relations. Afrika and the USA have a long history together, our ATO department used to send them lots of mobile voters to prevent political take overs on their country. but alas Hungarians eventually took the country. Then global alliances started shifting...and well Afrika was basically left alONE. ONE promised them the world, but they were unable to make good on those promises. South Afrika was just a strategic asset to them, and they convinced Afrika to attack Brozil simultaneously when Poland did, but Brozil kicked both Loland and Afrika back.

But those times are behind us now, if we let them. Brozil could have easily elected to continue with the assault and wipe the country, but what good is endless anger? South Afrika has a considerable amount of citizens in Terra friendly nations, particularly the United States, I don't think their choice to MPP with ONE was a choice they wanted, but it was something they thought they needed for survival. But it is obvious that was the wrong choice now and I am glad to be on the same side as South Afrika once more. Give them a warm welcome bros.


As you probably know we in the States have had a long history with Mexico. Repeated conquests, invasions, and trolling. There were periods in our time in which we actually rented regions with them, but all that changed when Poland attacked. Mexico switched sides in hopes of surviving, but that didn't save them either, as we can see Mexico is now down to one measly region. It was only a couple days ago that Mexico auto-attacked Texas, and on that day every Serb and his mother was tanking against us. But they still lost, Serbia cannot into Texas. But where were they when Mexico was losing all of its original reasons? Not there for Mexico. See, once again we see a pattern here. ONE mpped South Afrika to use it as a base to attack Brozil, and ONE mpped Mexico to attack the United States. They don't care about these small countries, they are just tools to them for damage drains.

President Emerick has elected to make peace with Mexico, despite the fanatical battle-cries of many yanks. With Mexico, we have an agreement - 100 gold in exchange for the regions to give us saltpeter and rubber. Maybe this will help, maybe it won't, but we will soon find out. We've been willing to give them one last chance, and trying our best to honor our agreement. I hope they can see the end of the tunnel and realize hostilities only hinder their progress as a nation.

Glove is Love