Washing Dirty Linen

Day 376, 13:50 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Kretschmar

No apologies! That's what Scuttlebut is about. Provoking people to explain things out in the open, maybe 'washing dirty linen in public' - but at least the linen gets clean.

OK - well done everyone involved with averting the Romanian coup, and I understand why it had to be done in secret.

But why have things been allowed to get like this. There are just 185 members of political parties in eAustria, that's just 50% of the population - more like 33% if you exclude the Romanian entryists.

And even inside political parties - there seem to be secrets from the ordinmary members.

The more secret Government is - the more vulnerable we will be to a(nother) coup. If everyone knows what is happening, then we can all be ready for it.

Ok - I sccept we need strength and stability, but are we going to get a choice of President (with proper statements of policy to help us decide between them) or are we going to be given one choice, and be told what is best for us? eDemocracy?