Wartime Power Rankings

Day 616, 08:52 Published in USA Israel by Charles Nimitz

I decided it would be some fun if i ranked the top 5 nations in terms of their economy, their population size, their military ability, their allies, leadership ability, etc. Here we go.


Economy:A plus
The US's monthly imports amount to 7.51 gold, while it's exports amount to 131.07. The US has an extremely favorable balance of trade.

Population size:A plus
The US currently has the largest population size in eRep, with over 16,000 players.

Military Ability:B
The US's population size makes up for a lack of military coordination.

Allies:A plus
Allies have helped the US launch 2 offensives, despite being attacked first.


Economy:A plus
Indonesia has a favorable balance of trade, but also has the highest rate of inflation.

Population Size:B
Suspected that many Indonesians are multis.

Military Ability:A
Best coordination of forces in the world. There are some doubts whether they can afford to sustain this war financially.

Allies:A plus
Puppetmasters of PEACE along with Hungary. Can manipulate any nation in PEACE.


Economy:A minus
Inflation is nearly as high as the US's, and it exports 195 gold monthly, and imports 125.47 gold.

Population Size:A plus
Less than 1000 citizens behind the US.

Military Ability:A minus
Have yet to use forces on a widespread scale. Benefit of the doubt is granted here.

Allies:A plus
Puppetmasters of PEACE along with Indonesia. Can manipulate any nation in PEACE.


Economy:B plus
Have a favorable balance of trade, but a rather low GDP compared to the top 3.

Population Size: B plus
One of the highest populations in the world.

Military Ability: A
Backed by PEACE on the western front

Backed by PEACE but not one of the major two.


Economy: A plus
The Spanish have the most favorable balance of trade in the world, and their GDP is good.

Population Size: B minus
Only about 7,000 citizens

Military Ability: B plus
Backed by the US, they were able to drive north into France.

Allies: A plus
Part of FORTIS alliance

France, United Kingdom, North Korea