Wars Abroard

Day 454, 12:39 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Ladies and gentlemen of the Czech Republic I am sorry for the long period from when I haven't had a true public address.

I would like to point out to people what is happening with the world today. Wars are sprouting up all around us and what happens? The oppressed and the aggressors are coming to OUR doors and asking for OUR help. There is no problem with our citizens making the individual decision to venture out and fight for themselves and for a cause they feel is right. The problem comes from the AMOUNT of nations coming to our doorstep. Just this past week India and Ireland officials posted articles in our national newspaper section. Has our nation become a nation of cheap and easy mercenaries? Is that all we're good for? What happened to our stances on neutrality? Have we become a nation of double standards? Regardless of the reasons, supporting one nation means condemning another. How can we say we don't support war and then immediately sign up for someone else's?

The United Slavs does not support War under any circumstances. We may allow freedom fighting but sending off our abled bodied men to foreign lands whenever we get the chance is NOT the way to go.

I call upon our President Red Duck to address these issues publicly. When large portions of our active population go abroad we lose productivity. We lose congressmen and movers and shakers within our government. We lose the momentum we create to push our nation forward. We need to set up OUR OWN military before we send out individuals.

As the leading General of the Czech Guard I am officially announcing to my Commanders to get their divisions under control. I want all of the guard to be positioned within the nation until further notice.

As for the rest of our nation, Red Duck, I wish you feel the same way. Let's get a position out here before more of our citizens jump on these “opportunities.”