War with Israel, Crisis or Oppertunity?

Day 1,444, 23:33 Published in Egypt Turkey by cuperous

Is the war with Israel Crisis or Oppertunity?

With President Pitja proposing to make Israel our Natural Enemy and Congress voting to pass this bill, this will mean a 10% bonus for all the warrior of the country declaring war in the War against a Natural Enemy.

Also during wars our Factories will benefit from the production of weapons and the consumption of food, only if the country would reduce the taxes on the sales of weapons.

All warriors will benefit from the experience points and rank points in from the battles in the war.

It would be great if it was over Sinai only or if we attack Beersheba South District.

Also another problem is Israel's population is three times as much as Egypt's

But if the war spreads and Israel is able to attack all of eEgypt, then it will be problem with no country ... none of the above will be available.

Especially with our government almost seeming to be against the people of eEgypt, something like the below law shows that government is not working with us:

That's why we should for a President like El Darsh.

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Major Ahmed Khattab