War, Taxes, Congress, Americans and the Game

Day 454, 16:20 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
Good Evening America,

So I'm sitting here reading up on the latest events. There is lot of heated debating taking place lately on, ...well, everything. Here is the way I look at things.

As you know, Congress is currently considering a proposal for an across the board tax. 20-25%income tax and 1-5% VAT(sales tax). When I see that from a RL viewpoint its shocking, from the game side its about right.Wtf! you might ask, well here's why.

A lot of citizens find this game and play it as a RL simulation. I don't necessarily see it that way. My recent VP nod has granted me an inside view of this game. True, a lot of my arguments echo from my experience in the real world, but my friends this game is nothing like RL. So a lot of my beliefs don't apply here. As a conservative, I hate high taxes. As a eRepublik citizen, I get it. This isn't a RL simulation, it's a game, geared around one thing. War. That's basically all there is to do here. Eat, Work, War, bitch in the Forums, rinse, repeat.

America sits here as a nation divided, our enemies fight as one. Yeah, these taxes are high, but we need the money. If we don't have adequate funds, our military suffers, our country is weaker. Great strides have been taken in making the Military more efficient. America is on track.
Indonesia, is on a warpath.

As much as players here may want to peacefully co-exist, it's not reality here. Take a look around the globe. Many countries are Imperialistic. I laugh at the propaganda that PEACE spews in our media. They call us imperialists, war mongers. The United States doesn't control any regions outside her borders, Indonesia controls most of the southern hemisphere. Lmao.

So how do you want it America? Low taxes, less military/defense or High taxes, strong military/defense. This is a game. Without military might we will eventually fade to black. For the four months ole' Joe has been around, we have done nothing but sit on the sidelines. Our enemies fight, grow stronger. America, argues about what to do. Around and around we go.

My point is this. We better start figuring out wtf we are going to be in the game. Do you want to sit around and watch other nations win the GAME, or we going to get off our asses and get some? As it stands right now we are comparatively weak to many nations. I say its time we strengthen ourselves. If we don't, we will just continue to be out-shined, and eventually over ran.

That being said, I'm going to hold my RL nose, and use my in GAME words to say I support higher taxes. United we stand, Divided we fall.

That's all I got,

Joe DaSmoe,
Vice President of (E!)Usa.