War Profiteers Hamstring American War Effort

Day 385, 10:37 Published in USA USA by Eugene Harlot

Having smashed the French coastal defenses and secured a beachhead at Poitou-Charentes, American soldiers are bogged down in the rolling pastures of Limousin. ATLANTIS allies have captured five regions of France, but the logistics and costs of are slowing what was a rapid charge across enemy territory.

Of greatest concern to the Leathernecks, Devil Dogs, Grunts, Squids and Flyboys, is that needed weapons of war, gifts for healing and tickets of transport to the battlefield are skyrocketing in price. War profiteers have raised the price of a Q1 moving ticket from 8 USD to over 20USD in one day. Weapons were in short supply but what is available on the market are at prices intended to make record profits rather than patriotically support our national war effort.

All of this at a time in which huge numbers of citizens are using hospitals to boost wellness and thereby giving unprecedented productivity to employers.

The soldiers of the eUSA are fighting tooth and nail on the walls of Limoges against a desperate enemy. Each doing beyond his duty, reaching into his own savings to fight on and when he does, the War Profiteers are laughing all the way to the bank.

I hope that when this war concludes that US Military leadership and Government will look into which businesses supported us in our hour of need, which commanders and soldiers were gouged in their time of valor and who reaped profits while our heroes fought in the mud and blood of Limousin.