War NL vs PL and Election BE

Day 1,147, 08:30 Published in Belgium Belgium by Misanthropist

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International news

The Netherlands have still hope
Like I wrote in my previous article, Poland has a strategic region: “North Rhine-Westfalia”. And now they decided to use it. Poland proposed The Netherlands as Natural Enemy. The Netherlands could only try to win a RW in North Rhine-Westfalia before the 24h vote in Poland was over in order to prevent a Polish invasion in The Netherlands. The latter failed and now the war has begun. Despite the fact they have only one ally, The Netherlands have still hope. In response they’ve also proposed Poland as Natural Enemy. Money has been shifted to the Ministry of Economics and a lot of investments have been made in food. Citizens below level 15 are supported to fight in battle. They receive food packages, enough for 90 health.

Food drop, coordinated by the Dutch government.

How this war will turn out is too soon to tell. So far, The Netherlands have won one battle out of one. But one thing is sure, it will be difficult times for our northern neighbors. With mighty Serbia on their side, there’s still some light on the end of the tunnel. However the chances are in favor of world leader Poland with its 18 allies.
In response to the article of Theneka, it has to be stated clear: Belgian MoD gave no official orders to support The Netherlands in its war against Poland. It’s important to stress this fact in order to maintain and to confirm Belgians friendly diplomatic relations with Poland and The Netherlands. However individuals are still free to join the war on both sides.

National news

Elections in 4 days
Four days remain until every party chooses its own Party President. The campaigns haven’t begun yet. Xgentis Lempereur, current PP of the party Res Belgica, won’t candidate for the next elections, he says in his newspaper.

Some parties have proposed their candidates others haven’t. In Res Belgica Rowan Quigley stepped forth. Four terms he has been in Congress. The Belgian Communist Party has also one candidate, Critically: active in the military and three times Member of Congress. Two candidates we see in The Belgian PT Party. The newcomer Kevinpo will have to compete against the experienced Kylero who was elected eight times for Congress. So far, the other two parties Free Belgium and the biggest party Belgium for Belgians have no candidate. We’ll hear more about the candidates themselves in the coming days.


Quotes à la…

A fragment from an IRC:
[22:22]Temujin94 says: Sammy_Tanghe: can you report me as a state org so i am protected
[22:22]Temujin94 says: don't want any nasty infections
[22:22]Theneka says: * Theneka is going to kick temujin094
[22:24]Sammy Tanghe says: and no, we're not accepting any new state orgs 😛
[22:24]Temujin94 says: but i want to be a state org ;_;
[22:24]Temujin94 says: meanie
[22:24]NFR says: he asks it reaaaaaally friendly sammy
[22:25]NFR says: i mean
[22:25]NFR says: come on
[22:25]Sammy Tanghe says: I hereby declare http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2634904 a state org
[22:25]Sammy Tanghe says: this means I can put things in it
[22:25]Sammy Tanghe says: and pull it out at any later date
[22:25]Temujin94 says: \o/
[22:26]Temujin94 says: * temujin094 is now Sammy_Tanghe's whore

This quote was send by Sammy Tanghe.
If you’ve heard a funny quote or conversation, don’t hesitate and send it to me in PM. It might end up here in my newspaper.

Time for laughter
The Dutch people have their own way of fighting a war…

For those about to comment, I admire!

Yours truly, Misanthropist

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