War is Imminent

Day 656, 05:27 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

政府は次のような 声明 を 出した:

There was talk of peace. Very briefly. Friends, soldiers, colleagues and citizens of the Great Japanese Empire and the Protectorate of the Republic of Korea, no doubt you had heard the news. The Theocrat terrorists published several articles relating to an idea of peace, some sort of amnesty or other idea that would end the conflict between Japan and their rogue state. Naturally, they were nothing but lies. They were deceptions, fabricated by our foes to buy time. With full knowledge that their rogue state is unprepared for all out war with the Empire and her numberless allies, they sought to stall us, buying time for them to gather more resources, construct a hospital, organize alliances with sympathetic countries.

But their plan failed. We saw through their lies. Their consistent refusals to share power with the legitimate Korean community put forward plainly the falsity of their statements, the truth of their intentions. Therefore, good people of the Empire and her allies, there will be war. Seoul will liberated, and a new South Korea will emerge in time, one led by Koreans, rather than by these radical Theocratic terrorists.

Already, we have organized alliances with Hungary and Indonesia, our PEACE allies; likewise our friends in the Sol Alliance will be coming to our aid just as they did during the resistance war. Our enemies are unprepared. We have seen through their ruse. And now, the Righteous Nation will know victory.

In lighter news, one Sophia Forrester had her number drawn in the Takarakuji Lottery. Congratulations. The prize is 163 JPY and a Q2 house.