War Games: Is it a win win situation?

Day 441, 12:00 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

One of Uncle Sams main point in his presidential platform is the fact that he will bring in war games.
Now this has received a mixed response from the general population.

As an officer in the eMarine Corps I was extremely happy to hear that war games would be starting after discussing this with my fellow officers for many weeks as we thought it may be another way to bring up the average rank and experience of the military and indeed the general public who wish to fight.

After many discussions we came to that fact that it wasn’t feasible no matter how much we wanted it. This is coming from the Marines who are in a way, warmongers. If there isn’t a war we are bored and when there is one we are complaining that there are no weapons.

The first thing that we saw was that it would be to costly to have war games as is costs 50 gold to attack a region and then the costs of supplying the military with weapons to fight and everything else that comes with the territory of having a “war”, even if it is just friendly.

With the National Federal Reserve cleaned out, this puts us in a completely different situation as shouldn’t the government be trying to save as much money as possible at the moment instead of just spend of war games which if in all honestly there is no need for them at the moment.

If Sam does win this election I would be very happy, he is a very respectable person, just as his VP, Joe DaSome but there is no way that he can guarantee war games, can he?

I may not have all the facts at the moment but shouldn’t there be a bill in congress to pass before this can happen?

What would happen if the congress does not approve of this bill, will they just vote it down all the time when Sam brings it up?

I suppose he could just overturn congress and make the wars happen anyways but im sure that could lead to him being impeached which is something he would not want to happen.

As for the economic reasons which he presented, that it will give our economy a little “boost”, I think this is a good idea and it is well justified. I also have a more pessimistic view of this boost for economy and that is that fact that we cannot say who can and how cannot fight in this war. Once the war doors are open, it is open to everybody.

Now I hear you say, “no you are talking rubbish, only the citizens of the country that is in war is allowed to fight”.

Which is right, yes, but what is to stop other nations citizens buying a moving ticket and coming to our country to fight, with or against us? I have done it loads of times under presidential orders, go to country or RW which is losing a fight against PEACE, the marines come, tank it up and we have won the fight and then we make it back to USA.

Imagine this situation, We decide to have war games with Canada, so that we can help them to build up their strength as well because in all honestly, Spain and Romania don’t need the help with their military.

So start some war games with them, and suddenly we have an influx of PEACE members coming into Florida to make use of the Q5 hospital and they fight WITH the US time, so that we conquer a region of Canada.

Now in a few days, as planned there is a RW in that region of Canada and the Canadians and US citizens fight on the Canadian side but the PEACE members do not. Lets say for arguments sake, that the PEACE members win and the region is still a US region, what happens now?

Do we have another resistance war?
Of course!!!

The president of Canada will not tolerate this so after a few days another RW is coming into play and let just pretend that the previous situation happens again and again and again and again.

That could really damage our economy worse then what’s happening to it at the moment. The rate of supply and demand will become to high, people will start to spend large amounts of money to buy weapons which have had their prices sky rocketed due to the demand of weapons and its just one big problem now.

When it is an actual war it’s a different story but when two nations have agreed to some war games and then it starts to turn serious due to outside members then its not just a game any more.
Just something to think about.....

If there is some things which I have not explained well enough, then I am sorry, but please leave a comment with your questions and I will respond to you as fast as I can.

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