War funding and Mobilization of the Marine Corps

Day 287, 01:16 Published in USA Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Today, the last act of the former president came in. The US Marine Corps has now appropriated the necessary funding to support a full assault on the Hungarian forces. With this funding, all US Marine Corp units are being mobilized to Bucharest Romania.

All squad leaders have been sent orders, and they will be passing down the orders to their soldiers. Please obey the MES for orders in this situation. Further orders will be sent once the war restarts.

For those who have already gone to Romania during the first wave of units, please PM me once you return to be paid for your service.

This message is to inform the US citizens what is going on with the military, and also to inform all US Marine Corps personnel of their orders. To those wondering... yes, I am still the NSC, and I will continue to act on America's behalf militarily until I am told otherwise.